Friday, November 4, 2011



Physicists today mainly use three basic theories to explain the universe, one is “general theory of relativity”, the second is “quantum mechanics” & the third is Newton’s “laws of gravity & motion’.
We will not discuss here Newton’s theory, as this paper is not meant for that, that is, is not the subject of this analysis.

The first general theory of relativity (GTL), it deals with gravity, speed of light, relativity, that is large scale structure of the universe, distances from miles to light years away, a few hundreds of miles to billions of light years (LY) in stretch.
While quantum mechanics (QM) deals with phenomena at extremely low scale, that is sub atomic level, only at stretches of millionth parts of a millimeter.
Here two master theories come into play, first Planck’s “quantum theory”, which basically denies any randomness of quantity (concept of energy packets) & infinite divisibility of matter or energy, second is Heisenberg’s “uncertainty principle”, according to which we can not measure beyond a smallness as the shorter a “particle’s (for example a photon) wave length” is (I am using the term particle instead of ray or any electromagnetic radiation, because of wave particle duality, a particle is nothing but a wave packet, it is conclusively proven & a wave also behaves as a particle), the more it will affect the object of measurement as it will have more energy due to higher frequency & obviously we are not going to measure an apple like big thing with such high frequency, nor is our or Heisenberg’s aim was that, so for only measurement of tiniest of tiniest things & that tiniest of things will get disturbed by the measuring particle, also more important, as it has been taken a particle is also a wave packet so confining it to a precise point is impossible & if that particle has movement at very high rate it becomes more difficult to pinpoint its position & if you pinpoint its position (theoretically, as you can’t do it practically), it’s velocity gets affected.
So it can be seen why at such low scale velocity & position become uncertain to measure.


From above two theories (quantum theory & uncertainty principle) do we get a hint of absolute size or measure of anything in nature, that is a basic & fundamental size or measure of anything or not?
Quantum theory predicts an absolute minimum size, a quantum, that is an absolute minimum amount of everything (be it quantity, position or motion, motion is wave length, frequency & velocity, that is, a total wave function), but uncertainty principle predicts, one can not precisely quantify, measure position, velocity at a very small level (quantity too can’t be precisely measured beyond a minimum level, because that means
 one has to break that quantity further & further, but one can not even theoretically & even mathematically divide to the last level as such division will be infinit
So from these two theories we get on one hand an absolute measure of quantity (be that of velocity, mass or position), quantity here, is given by particle’s 3 dimensional shape, on the other we get inherent uncertainty of the above, that is uncertainty of measure of quantity (be that velocity, mass, position).
So both theories are inconsistent to one another, but both true & valid.


Now, as per theory of relativity, everything is relative: size (of anything), space (distance between objects), time (interval between events), in other words space-time is relative, be it small as per quantum theory or be it big as per theory of relativity, even at small scale it (everything) should be relative (although at such small scale theory of relativity is not taken into account). That is, at small scale too, it should not be “small enough in absolute term”, that is, behavior of particles can’t be absolute as per theory of relativity, but contradictorily & in fact they become quantum in absolute term, that is behave as quantum also in absolute term.
That is they become “fixed units” & also do “fixed scale” behavior (act also in quantum), as if a quantum is fixed by the NATURE, like an electron is a fixed unit (may be it can be elevated to a higher energy or brought back to a lower energy, but levels are fixed by quanta of energy given to them or taken away by any process otherwise we deny photon/electromagnetic radiation as a quantum & moreover an electron can not be taken down to a lower level than it is at absolute zero temperature) so behavior of an electron or a photon (of a certain energy) is fixed i.e. quantized.

Again below a level, if we want to determine size, position, velocity, whatever, we can not do it with certainty either, it becomes uncertain i.e. they (particles) can’t be fixed further (as a particle has wave particle duality, so it can not be fixed at a point below a minimum area), also it’s acts can not be fixed below a minimum level as our limit is upto a quantum, that is we can be precise upto a level then hand over things to approximation & uncertainty & that there is a  LIMIT  for everything (determined by the nature as nature’s constants, in case of electron too, our determination level is very limited & to know further we require to break apart the electron to its components or take that an electron is an absolute basic building block, which always existed in nature & that too existed even before the universe & the big bang, as could not broken or smashed, but it is not at all permissible as it indicates eternity of matter & energy & negates any beginning of the universe or the end, only way to explain it to say hypothetically, that all electrons at the end change into photons colliding with anti electrons).

So we come to two points, firstly fixedness of size, amount & act due to Planck’s constant, second uncertainty of minimum size, amount & act due to Heisenberg’s uncertainty.


But the nature too is clearly  in favour of a “quantum” as appears from experiments,  observations & real phenomena, example: suppose a photon of a certain energy hits an atom & a photon of lesser energy than the incident photon comes out  leaving behind a part of its energy at that atom & that quantum of energy left back in the atom, is not arbitrary quantum of energy, a fixed quantum depending upon the nature of atom, the photon has hit, if a lesser energy photon hits it then incident photon will come out without losing energy, so a photon of certain energy or of higher certain levels energy has to hit a particular atom so that photon’s energy can be transmitted into the atom & an electron or more of that atom can jump orbit.


From above a surprising “RELATIVITY” is seen, THAT QUANTUM OF (OF PHOTON) ENERGY LOSS IS ALSO RELATIVE TO A CERTAIN ATOM, THAT IS IF KIND OF ATOM IS CHANGED, QUANTUM OF ENERGY LOSS WOULD (in accordance with Planck’s constant) ALSO CHANGE, SO QUANTUM IS ALSO RELATIVE to a particular atom, & that is in accordance with Einstein’s theory of relativity & is contradictory to Planck’s absolute or fixed quantum, that quantum is also relative depending on electrons, protons & their configurations, that is, Planck’s Quantum theory is true but is also relative, but as Planck’s constant is unchangeable then question is, how it could be relative? It is relative to electron, proton & atomic structure, again atomic structure is relative to electro-magnetic force (emf) & emf depends on wave functions of electrons & protons (wave function is their  BASIC  building blocks & this wave function also gives them their CHARGE & MASS) & wave function is variable.

(But this topic needs more analysis, now it may appear to be very speculative & assumptive, so may be totally baseless.)

Subhro Das