Saturday, February 26, 2011



Analysis on Beginning of the Universe, The Humble Beginning

At the beginning of the universe it has to be simple, a simple situation, a simple thing, it cant be complex, rather very simple, too simple, simplest of all situations or things (Ground Rule:- Nothing can be simpler than the beginning, beginning is always simple), thin air like, or space like void, or more like “Nothingness”, as nothingness is the simplest situation.
Then it has to be derived “Nothingness” is not possible in nature, as nothingness is not even space sans matter, not even eternity (of space), or a compressed space or matter at a point (even not at a point, even beyond “pointlessness”) or a pointless situation.
As soon as the universe reaches this simplest situation of “Nothingness” it blasts off for a new universe, the Big bang.

Now we have to prove mathematically or experimentally, why “Nothingness” is not possible (I could not do that), why “Big bang” happens at this situation or happened in the case of our existing Universe.
It also proves why multiverse is not possible as proposed by some physicists.

It also settles the questions if any about place of origin of the universe, that is where or at what point the universe originated.

Subhro Das


“Nothingness” is also a constant as nothing is possible below it & anything above it, i.e. is not “Nothingness”, so this is also a constant, the biggest constant, “The Super Constant”, the mother of all constants, all constants arise from it.

It also proves why any other constants’ values are not possible, as debated by some physicists that why values of constants can’t be different from what they are now (may be, values of constants change over time as physicists are trying to prove through experiments but value of a constant changes with all other constants’ values & that change is simultaneous & along the line, so if you happen to reach a place billions of years back in time or billions of light years far, your own set of values will change to that times’ & place or vice versa, that is if you start from there & come to the present, your constants’ values will keep changing & at last be that of present, so going back or forth or fetching from past is only relative, is unproductive, as you can’t bring one of the past values to the present or you cant take back one of the present values to the past as values will keep changing accordingly as per time & space.

Why is that “Super Constant”?
At “Nothingness” or in “Super Constant” only two extreme situations are possible, one no matter energy (more natural it would have been that there were no universe & us, only nothingness, but we are here & universe is also here, it was quite possible we, human beings, could not have evolved) and 2nd, limitless matter energy, endless mass.
That means “The Super Constant” could give birth to eternal, unlimited matter energy or continue with nothing (void) situations, but we have a “constant quantity” of matter energy in the universe, that the total mass (matter energy) of the universe is fixed, if not otherwise it has been proved that the quantity of mass energy of the universe is changing, increasing or decreasing by the days, or destruction or creation of mass energy are happening (not decay as decay gives forth to another form of energy, it does not vanish), so total mass of the universe is fixed), loss of mass by way of  GRAVITY (of matter & energy) is not being dealt with here.

It also advances the theory that no other possibility existed or exists for the nature, means The Super Constant (whatever form it may be, small or big, pointless or eternal) at the point of Nothingness, can give forth (generate) only THIS MUCH QUANTITY of matter energy (the total mass of the universe), no more, no less, as we have now.

And that also becomes a constant “THE MASS CONSTANT” or in other words the universe can have this much of mass (matter energy) from the blast at the Nothingness, from the original, quintessential “THE SUPER CONSTANT”.

The universe begins from a single Super Constant, from The Nothingness with a blast, which can’t exist even for a moment in nature, as soon as the universe reaches this simplest situation of “Nothingness”, the “Super Constant” is created, then & there it blasts off for a new universe, the Big bang.


Or as the Super Constant takes place at the end of universe, may be trillions of years will be taken to decay all matter energy & convert them into lowest form or due to some other unknown chain of events it may happen, I can’t postulate now, perhaps still now it is unknown by any other physicist, what happens at the end, but surely all researches & observations from the day Hubble Telescope sending down data that the universe is fast expanding & degenerating (that is, as galaxies & all far away celestial bodies are going farther away from each other), all scientists are unanimous that the universe is heading towards a doomsday, it may take unimaginably long time, but time too is measured by our standard, what we think very long, may be  is not that long by the universal standard, at last when whole matter energy decay to the lowest form, the blast (Big bang) occurs, a new universe takes birth & it (the event) gives away a “constant quantity” of matter energy. Also other CONSTANTS that we have now are created from the Super Constant at the very moment of blast, not after or before. And these constants start to shape the universe.

Subhro Das

My theories & concepts
 I write my theories & concepts in short as I am a banker & have little time to write in a book like or research file like form, but I do feel these theories & concepts must be circulated for the good of the world & people, anyone is free to elaborate or write on them or point out if any flaw or deficiency in the same
Subhro Das, India