Thursday, May 1, 2014



Discovery of a Drug/Medicine by Me (The Undersigned/Emailer)

For last two years, I was trying to find a cure for “Sleep Apnea” through a drug or medicine, as I searched net about informations & cures about this dreaded disease, from which (sleep apnea) more people suffer than any other diseases in the word, but no cure was found at the research centers/sites of these world famed universities, only a few some known things have been prescribed by them, often very repeated ones, even world’s biggest doctors & researchers have not been able make any breakthrough.

Their common advises are :- 1, leave smoking. 2, avoid alcohol. 3, avoid take sleeping pills/sedatives. 4, lose weight. 5, sleep on sides/keep head slightly more elevated while sleeping. 6, take healthy diet & maintain a healthy leaving 7, avoid heavy meals before sleep. 8, exercise. 9, use of CPAP or other oral applications (mechanical devises) & 10, surgery (surgery may worsen the problem).

For last two years, I too was trying to find out a solution (I am not a doctor or researcher, but has an interest in medicine & diseases and I study as an amateur, think on this problem, try to find a solution as far as my situation affords me to do) for sleep apnea.

By chance about six months back, I hit upon a solution & I have been doing its trial last for 6 months and I am being almost fully (almost 100%, try or do this experiment yourselves), successful in curing “Sleep Apnea”.

The drug or medicine that came to my mind was “coffee”, that is, taking a cup of coffee (not cold coffee) before sleep (those who are suffering from sleep apnea), “after meal” at night.

Actually I was trying to find a solution to cure the loosening of inner throat & nasal muscles during sleep, due to age, alcohol usage, drug/sedative usages or it may be naturally occurring, when I found nothing could cure (even surgery) sleep apnea, i.e. keeping the muscles tight (taut) at sleep for a patient of “sleep apnea”, as they get relaxed & become loose in sleep and create obstruction to “breathing”, causing “suffocations”.

Then, I tried to find out a “stimulant” which could keep muscles tight even at sleep also will be harmless (i.e. non-intoxicating and non-addictive), & I hit upon “the coffee” (I tried tea and other stimulant drinks of different company-brands, but found non effective).
But drinking a cup of warm coffee with milk (not black coffee), as milk also works as a stimulant, that’s why in snake-bites warm milk is given to prevent collapse or comma, “the coffee” did miracle, it stopped (if not cured) “sleep apnea” almost 100%, in my experiments.

Anybody who has sleep apnea (even severest types) can use this medication/prescription & do this treatment and find if this “discovery” holds true or not.
(Two stints of light breathing exercises of five minutes after two five minutes light workouts in empty stomach add value to this medication)

I would like, one must comment back on one’s experience in my email address.
(Note: use of coffee or any abstract or enzyme or chemical extracted from coffee for making any kind of medicine or drug for sleep apnea disease by anyone or any company or any entity for commercial or professional or amateurish use or purpose without my express permission is highly prohibited, shall be an illegal act & unlawful at any corner of the world, other than personal use & experimentation, even printing of this article or abstracts from this article in any form or any such articles based on this article or this discovery is strictly restricted without my express permission, even publication of any news in any form, even in short form in any print media or electronic media without my express permission is not permissible).

The article may appear too short, but I feel it is immensely valuable, as it may bring relief to millions, also kick start a business of billion dollars for a pharmaceutical or any other company.
(Common advises should also be adhered to for making this medication most effective)


Subhro Das
Ashram Road, At, PO: ARARIA, India, PIN: 854311
Date : 01 May, 2014

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