Up till now, as Einstein has established that time & space are manifestations of the same thing, they are same entity & conclusively proved “space-time” together make the fourth dimension (other three dimensions are length, width & depth, i.e. length & breadth create an area, a surface & depth gives it the volume, the shape, without these three dimensions no shape or structure would have been possible, a thing whatever thinnest may be must have some thickness, even an atom or an positive ion or an electron, all have these three dimensions) & without this 4th dimension, existence of anything was impossible, that is without the 4th dimension none could tell where & when a thing was present, in other words everything we see in the universe would have been so compacted & so eventless that there was no universe, because without 4th dimension there would be no space-time & without space-time there would be no events & no objects, as for events & objects space-time is must, that is, events & objects can’t exist without existence of space-time, before Einstein none could even contemplated this, that space-time, the 4th dimension is an integral part of our existence.
Einstein in his thesis to explain orbital path of an object (a celestial body) said a great thing (such a great thing, that we are yet to realize importance of it), that “GRAVITY DISTORTS THE SPACE”. He said, actually no celestial body (or any object) does bend in its path of motion, it goes straight, but as it travels through a distorted space, a crooked space its path gets crooked (bent) too. The heavier body is the more distorted the space is around it, also the nearer a body is to another body the more distorted space it will have to travel through.
Einstein left it here, he went no further with gravity, he could not explain what gravity is & still now no scientists has been able to do that, except imagining that for gravity there will be a particle, called “graviton”, which is still elusive & imaginary, so there has been no explanation of GRAVITY or progress in this field even after more than hundred years after Einstein’s discovery.
The Link
As I tried to understand & explain what gravity is, I took the cue from Einstein’s thesis & it came upon me if as per Einstein’s theory “gravity distorts space”, that means gravity affects the space, that also means space too has an effect on the gravity, that is space too interacts with gravity, it clearly means both (the space & the gravity) have a correlation & the great implication of it, is that, as space-time are same as it is a proven fact, so gravity also distorts time, as space & time are same entity, this means gravity, space & time are correlated. In other words there is surely a relation between space, time & gravity. And that is, the relation extends to “time”, as time too gets affected by gravity, same as the space gets affected.
My Conclusion
As time & space are same, has been proven by Einstein, that is they are different forms of same thing as they appear to us, so extending the same thesis as explained above, it can be derived (it may surely stun many) space, time & gravity are not different, only different forms of same thing. No theory or any words so far by anybody has been put forward, except this one by me (atleast not in my knowledge) relating the three.
I hereby, have tried for a theory to explain the problem of gravity, so far which remains elusive & beyond any explanations that space, time & gravity are same, that is manifestations of same thing & not virtual manifestations as they (many scientists say electromagnetic force, that attraction or repulsion between (-) & (+) charges/poles are done by virtual photons, which have not been detected, which I think, is imaginary, not only imaginary, but to fill a gap. But, if time, space & gravity are same thing, it changes all theory & puts GRAVITY in another context, fully different from any earlier concepts of gravity, even space-time. We begin to explain & take GRAVITY, not only take, but, gravity in the first place in any space time interpretation, which so far not done by any physicists.
Therefore I add a new a concept to “G’ in science, that is “G” does not exist, but a manifestation of space-time only in another objective (mind it I said objective) form i.e. material form. That, otherwise space-time even being the 4th dimension, an essential part of existence remains only subjective, we don’t incorporate them in mathematical equations (except that in classical Newtonian laws of motion, where time is taken only as a measurement, not as a force), but as we convert (interpret) space-time into “G”, space-time also becomes objective.
(In this regard I say I have tried explain Gravity in a very, very little & queer way, although it provides a new theory for “gravity”’ but that will take time to explain, also I don’t know if I shall be able to do that, but some concepts have come to my mind, I am listing a few of them below).
These are very, very IMPORTANT for Considerations:-
= Space is negative, that is, it’s a negative field.
= All matters are sucking space around it, all the time. And this is the ORIGIN of gravity.
= There is no “graviton”.
= Gravity is quantumless, so far any thing discovered, be it quarks or neutrinos or light, has a quantum.
= Now most QUEER of all, that is, all bodies by gravity are losing mass (which we perceive wrongly that all bodies are radiating gravity), by sucking of space by the bodies. SO ALL BODIES ARE LOSING MASS.
= Not only all material bodies suck space, but also LIGHT & all electro magnetic radiations (emr), suck space & lose mass.
= How the light (or any thing) can lose mass? And if at all loses mass, what happens to the lost mass? This loss of mass is very slow indeed compared to the original mass of a photon (or any thing), but continuous, so, as light travels for billions of years through space, its wave length increases & that, a single photon all the time keeps losing the frequency (strength), so the mass too gets reduced in billions of years, And to the question what happens to the lost mass, I propose all bodies & also light give out hitherto an unknown radiation (I also don’t know what is it), I have named it “xemr”, taking cue from “electro magnetic radiation”, but I believe it is the last & the end of all things, THE VERY END or the very beginning, I want to say, the universe is decaying in this way & will end up in this way, that is, all matter energy by transforming into xemr in billions or trillions of years, to the virtual NOTHINGNESS, which would not even last for a moment, explode into another big bang.
= All bodies & everything are decaying by losing mass & dispensing “xemr” & we see it’s manifestation as GRAVITY.
= Even LIGHT too has mass & GRAVITY, otherwise light would not interact with gravity, as we have seen it does while passing by a very massive celestial object.
= As it is said that 3/4th of total mass of the universe is the dark matter, I postulate the DARK MATTER is the space itself as it is negative & interacts with bodies, because as per Einstein “Gravity distorts space”, so we can derive safely both space & the matter attract each other.
Also if above is true then as it is being claimed that the dark matter is holding the universe & the galaxies together & in place or the universe & the galaxies would break apart, this dark matter is nothing but the space, as I have explained previously the character of space, that, it is negative, it interacts with matter, ACTUALLY IT IS THE NATURE’S ANTIMATTER, created with the Big Bang.
Also it can explain, if 3/4th of the universe is the DARK MATTER, then we don’t have to search for it, many light years away into deep space, we have to have it here, around us & THAT IS SPACE.
Subhro Das
Conceptualized 25/04/10, Written 14/10/11
(My theories & concepts
I write my theories & concepts in short as I am a banker & have little time to write in a book like or research file like form, but I do feel these theories & concepts must be circulated for the good of the world & people, anyone is free to elaborate or write on them or point out if any flaw or deficiency in the same)
Subhro Das
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