Friday, November 4, 2011



Physicists today mainly use three basic theories to explain the universe, one is “general theory of relativity”, the second is “quantum mechanics” & the third is Newton’s “laws of gravity & motion’.
We will not discuss here Newton’s theory, as this paper is not meant for that, that is, is not the subject of this analysis.

The first general theory of relativity (GTL), it deals with gravity, speed of light, relativity, that is large scale structure of the universe, distances from miles to light years away, a few hundreds of miles to billions of light years (LY) in stretch.
While quantum mechanics (QM) deals with phenomena at extremely low scale, that is sub atomic level, only at stretches of millionth parts of a millimeter.
Here two master theories come into play, first Planck’s “quantum theory”, which basically denies any randomness of quantity (concept of energy packets) & infinite divisibility of matter or energy, second is Heisenberg’s “uncertainty principle”, according to which we can not measure beyond a smallness as the shorter a “particle’s (for example a photon) wave length” is (I am using the term particle instead of ray or any electromagnetic radiation, because of wave particle duality, a particle is nothing but a wave packet, it is conclusively proven & a wave also behaves as a particle), the more it will affect the object of measurement as it will have more energy due to higher frequency & obviously we are not going to measure an apple like big thing with such high frequency, nor is our or Heisenberg’s aim was that, so for only measurement of tiniest of tiniest things & that tiniest of things will get disturbed by the measuring particle, also more important, as it has been taken a particle is also a wave packet so confining it to a precise point is impossible & if that particle has movement at very high rate it becomes more difficult to pinpoint its position & if you pinpoint its position (theoretically, as you can’t do it practically), it’s velocity gets affected.
So it can be seen why at such low scale velocity & position become uncertain to measure.


From above two theories (quantum theory & uncertainty principle) do we get a hint of absolute size or measure of anything in nature, that is a basic & fundamental size or measure of anything or not?
Quantum theory predicts an absolute minimum size, a quantum, that is an absolute minimum amount of everything (be it quantity, position or motion, motion is wave length, frequency & velocity, that is, a total wave function), but uncertainty principle predicts, one can not precisely quantify, measure position, velocity at a very small level (quantity too can’t be precisely measured beyond a minimum level, because that means
 one has to break that quantity further & further, but one can not even theoretically & even mathematically divide to the last level as such division will be infinit
So from these two theories we get on one hand an absolute measure of quantity (be that of velocity, mass or position), quantity here, is given by particle’s 3 dimensional shape, on the other we get inherent uncertainty of the above, that is uncertainty of measure of quantity (be that velocity, mass, position).
So both theories are inconsistent to one another, but both true & valid.


Now, as per theory of relativity, everything is relative: size (of anything), space (distance between objects), time (interval between events), in other words space-time is relative, be it small as per quantum theory or be it big as per theory of relativity, even at small scale it (everything) should be relative (although at such small scale theory of relativity is not taken into account). That is, at small scale too, it should not be “small enough in absolute term”, that is, behavior of particles can’t be absolute as per theory of relativity, but contradictorily & in fact they become quantum in absolute term, that is behave as quantum also in absolute term.
That is they become “fixed units” & also do “fixed scale” behavior (act also in quantum), as if a quantum is fixed by the NATURE, like an electron is a fixed unit (may be it can be elevated to a higher energy or brought back to a lower energy, but levels are fixed by quanta of energy given to them or taken away by any process otherwise we deny photon/electromagnetic radiation as a quantum & moreover an electron can not be taken down to a lower level than it is at absolute zero temperature) so behavior of an electron or a photon (of a certain energy) is fixed i.e. quantized.

Again below a level, if we want to determine size, position, velocity, whatever, we can not do it with certainty either, it becomes uncertain i.e. they (particles) can’t be fixed further (as a particle has wave particle duality, so it can not be fixed at a point below a minimum area), also it’s acts can not be fixed below a minimum level as our limit is upto a quantum, that is we can be precise upto a level then hand over things to approximation & uncertainty & that there is a  LIMIT  for everything (determined by the nature as nature’s constants, in case of electron too, our determination level is very limited & to know further we require to break apart the electron to its components or take that an electron is an absolute basic building block, which always existed in nature & that too existed even before the universe & the big bang, as could not broken or smashed, but it is not at all permissible as it indicates eternity of matter & energy & negates any beginning of the universe or the end, only way to explain it to say hypothetically, that all electrons at the end change into photons colliding with anti electrons).

So we come to two points, firstly fixedness of size, amount & act due to Planck’s constant, second uncertainty of minimum size, amount & act due to Heisenberg’s uncertainty.


But the nature too is clearly  in favour of a “quantum” as appears from experiments,  observations & real phenomena, example: suppose a photon of a certain energy hits an atom & a photon of lesser energy than the incident photon comes out  leaving behind a part of its energy at that atom & that quantum of energy left back in the atom, is not arbitrary quantum of energy, a fixed quantum depending upon the nature of atom, the photon has hit, if a lesser energy photon hits it then incident photon will come out without losing energy, so a photon of certain energy or of higher certain levels energy has to hit a particular atom so that photon’s energy can be transmitted into the atom & an electron or more of that atom can jump orbit.


From above a surprising “RELATIVITY” is seen, THAT QUANTUM OF (OF PHOTON) ENERGY LOSS IS ALSO RELATIVE TO A CERTAIN ATOM, THAT IS IF KIND OF ATOM IS CHANGED, QUANTUM OF ENERGY LOSS WOULD (in accordance with Planck’s constant) ALSO CHANGE, SO QUANTUM IS ALSO RELATIVE to a particular atom, & that is in accordance with Einstein’s theory of relativity & is contradictory to Planck’s absolute or fixed quantum, that quantum is also relative depending on electrons, protons & their configurations, that is, Planck’s Quantum theory is true but is also relative, but as Planck’s constant is unchangeable then question is, how it could be relative? It is relative to electron, proton & atomic structure, again atomic structure is relative to electro-magnetic force (emf) & emf depends on wave functions of electrons & protons (wave function is their  BASIC  building blocks & this wave function also gives them their CHARGE & MASS) & wave function is variable.

(But this topic needs more analysis, now it may appear to be very speculative & assumptive, so may be totally baseless.)

Subhro Das

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Pondering over why the universe at all has come into being & what the purpose of it being here, I have come to this, the following concept.

Many will say the universe is purposeless & most do not bother about its purpose, although many religious & spiritual explanations will be given, as if they know it fully, but any scientific explanation about the purpose of the universe is absent, although many scientific concepts are there about the origin of universe, the big bang theory is one of them & most accepted & reasonable one.

My Explanation

As I have explained in my previous paper that “laws of nature existed before the universe”, now here I am going further in that analysis.

The universe is the journey of “AWARENESS” from lower level to higher level, “THE JOURNEY OF AWARENESS” only & only, nothing else, all other things are mediums of this journey, and everything is just a medium, be that matter to lower beings.

Matter changes from simpler matter to complex matter, the universe, from the moment of big bang is developing from simplest to complex thing, that is, matter too is in the process of evolution & evolving, as matter evolves into living being, no one can deny that living beings evolved from matter, what ever the process was, what ever the circumstance was, where ever it might have taken place (as some scientists say living being originated in the outer space, some where else & the earth was seeded with spores of living being by a fall of a comet or meteor billions of years back & others say the event (creation of life) took place right on earth billions of years back as situation was apt for it, by the presence of huge methane & other chemicals due to continuous eruptions of volcanoes as earth was still that hot too inside & heavy incessant raining with continuous huge lightenings for millions of years were going on, so a “lab” like situation continued for millions of years & at one moment “some molecules’ came into being which could interact (production of”many such molecules at a time together & their interactions”, is MY conception) & produce further complicated survivable chain of molecules.
Then lower beings to higher beings, this is for what? All this is journey of awareness, from subatomic level to the beings, forms changed, but why? To carry forward the “awareness”, not carry forward only, but the journey of awareness is lower level to higher level, LOWER AWARNESS TO HIGHER AWARENESS, from lower being to human being by the process of evolution & now from human being to the machine(computer), from today’s’ still  dull computer to the futures’ intelligent computer, far more intelligent than human beings, some say, life is the journey of the genes “the selfish gene”, I say, not the journey of living beings or the genes, from inferior to better & better genes & in that “journey of refinement of genes” living beings don’t hesitate a bit to sacrifice their life, watch the reproductive processes of many life forms it is clear, but it is NOT the journey of the life (living being) only, life is only a means of this journey, wrongly it has been taken/theorized, that it is the journey of life, the evolution of life, but LIFE IS ONLY A PART OF THE JOURNEY, it is the journey of the awareness & life is the present  means (today’s) only, then one day awareness will reside in the superior machines of the future.


HERE MY THESIS TAKES A SURPRISING TURN, that one day awareness will leave (abandon) even the material base, now improbable to think even, how can awareness live without a material body, it sounds like a talk of an imaginary soul (as religious texts say), but, I believe myself, this imaginary soul does not exist.

Awareness one day will reside in the floating electrons, cluster of electrons or cluster of + ions (protons) or different types of manmade atomic clusters, that is one day man will make such clusters for keeping different types of awareness (intelligence) in different types of electron & + ion clusters, without residing in a base, in a floating state & these clusters will interact & exchange informations, still these will be man made.
But with time human being will be no more capable of making these extraordinary intelligence bearers, but man made machines themselves will be making them, then one day man made machines too give in, the extraordinary intelligence will be created by themselves, that is, agents for themselves, the story ENDS for most, probably all, here, but my THESIS begins here.


As the universe will be nearing its end, the awareness will take to quarks, from electron & proton clusters (that is, from electron & +ion clusters to quark bases), that is transfer awareness from nucleons to quarks, it will be done by either man or machine (nanobots), made by human beings, but will be gradually self developed by machines themselves (nanobots), at a very higher level, at one stage in the journey of universe.

As awareness will delve into quarks (still now awareness dwells in quarks, but will be explained LATER in this paper itself) & then from quarks awareness will delve into further deeper “building blocks” of the nature, we are yet to know what is that, (that is, quarks are built of what?) & ULTIMATELY TO THE LAWS OF NATURE (I in my earlier two papers, one very short “Math was there even before the universe” & the 2nd “Laws of Nature” explained that laws of nature exist beyond the universe, it will stun most & stun Mr. Stephen Hawkins most as it in a little way, “or in a very big way?” contradicts his views), as natures’ laws are ultimate building blocks & can live in “nothingness”, can give BIRTH of UNIVERSE from NOTHINGNESS, because (take this very, very carefully), laws of nature have some inherent FLAWS i.e. all laws tend to transform from one set of form  to another set of form always, all the time, be it on a material base or without a material base i.e. at the end of the universe even if there is  nothingness, natures’ laws will break apart this nothingness immediately, even before a moment passes, from here we get a “VERY NEW concept of TIME”, that is we know there was no time before big bang, time begins with big bang, but we see here “a no time ness period” was how short, virtually it (no time ness) exists for no time, but does exists for that unimaginably short period, in other words nothingness stands not for a moment, the moment nothingness is reached, the big bang takes place, as some inherent imbalance in the laws of nature gives birth to a new universe (I am sure there is one imbalancing factor (I am avoiding using the word: unbalancing, the grammatically correct word)  in the laws of nature, which causes the eruption, as for any activity an imbalancing factor is must, refer to Newton’s Laws. I am yet to find “what is that imbalancing factor in that complete nothingness”.
We may try to find that, if every law has a flaw (the flaw is an unknown dimension, is not able to reconcile with the nothingness, we don’t know) so that, otherwise a law is not dead, stillborn & stationary, that is, a law is productive & can transform, if not, there would have been no universe.


(Here I explain also why I said earlier, awareness even now resides in quarks)
But as we will have another universe after the end this universe, the awareness will be transmitted to the building blocks of nature & ultimately to the “laws of nature”, so the next universe will be more intelligent than this, with “better set of natural laws” than ours.

So my theory is, this universe may perish, not only that many more universes might have perished before, but always the next universe “reborn” is more intelligent, so the STUNNING thing I say “the laws of nature changes, rather evolves, gets better & better.
Actually the “journey” is towards “PERFECTION”, i.e. nature is from eternal period (is it eternal? Or from this we can conclude when nature’s journey began, I analyze it is eternal as I have based my theory on the laws of nature, which is sure, as natures laws too are evolving to be eternal), because laws of nature can exist in nothingness & without these laws the universe could never take birth, so the “JOURNEY” is of “AWARENESS” from one universe to another, making a journey to more awareness  (but one must realize this journey is not ordinary “journey of knowledge”, like towards better genes, better living beings, better machines), better & better, more & more aware & intelligent universes.

This acquired awareness is being transmitted through more intelligent or should we say more capable, more efficient building blocks & subsequent more efficient nature’s laws, more efficient basic blocks & better laws of nature, so that one universe may be lost, but the awareness, rather we should say efficiency this universe, not the efficiency of human being or machines, but the efficiency of basic blocks & laws by which we are made, will be inherited into our next universe.
So as some/most paint the gloomy picture about the end of the universe, it may not make you that gloomy as you will transcend (not you, but the evolutions of the building blocks & nature’s laws).

So we will have more intelligent & more perfect universes in future (we can then say we had lesser intelligent universes in the past), but for the more intelligent universes & lesser intelligent universes we have no record or can’t have any record of past universes as time begins from the moment of big bang, from the MOMEMENT of creation of the new universe, that is every universe has its own time, has its own laws, better laws & better laws means better universe & better universe.

But this journey towards perfectness will never end, as there is no limit or definition or benchmark for perfectness, so the journey will always be on, from here we also can FORMULATE  the explanation for the beginning of the universes, that there was no beginning as there was no ultimate inferiority, that is, there is nothing like absolute inferiority, so progress to betterment does not begin from a point, in any case, in any matter (be it earthly).
SO IT IS LIKE EVOLUTIONS OF LIVING BEINGS, it is “EVOLUTIONS OF UNIVERSES”, but in a very queer & UNIMAGINABLE  way, that nature’s basic building blocks & laws of nature are going through evolutions.

As I have said in my previous paper “decay of space-time in matter & energy, is gravity”, we see this decay manifested as gravity, actually there is no “gravity” as such.
Space-time will end into matter & with matter, at last no matter energy, space-time will remain, only ‘xemr”, an unknown quantumless situation, intolerable for the nature, as some inherent imbalance will be in that situation, an imbalance in the laws of nature itself, which will trigger A NEW UNIVERSE, a better universe.

The Contra Argument

It may be argued, if this theory is true then many universes evolved before this one & also perished, some in the first case, past universes were lesser in awareness & intelligence than ours, some in second case, could reach in awareness & intelligence more than that of ours, but argument will be put forward in any case, they must have an impact on our universe, in this regard I can only say that in the first case, if their awareness could not reach a certain level (a level or barrier which we are still to cross in awareness), in which the awareness was not that advanced to reach subatomic i.e. electronic, +ion cluster level or further to quarks’ level, they would not leave any imprint on us, they perished as many “living being species” perish in the course of the biological  evolution & in second case, I think there was no universe before, which developed in awareness far ahead of us or we would not have been here, atleast would not have been same as we are today & if there is a planet in this universe which is far ahead in awareness of us at a far corner of this universe, many light years away, then it does not create any problem or conflict in this theory as like different races & nations on the earth, progress in awareness normally or through fights or friendship or in parallel, the case happens to be the same, & answers the argument.

Subhro das
Conceptualised 14/10/11, Written 25/10/11

My theories & concepts
(I write my theories & concepts in short as I am a banker & have little time to write in a book like or research file like form, but I do feel these theories & concepts must be circulated for the good of the world & people, anyone is free to elaborate or write on them or point out if any flaw or deficiency in the same)
Subhro Das, India

Friday, October 14, 2011



Up till now, as Einstein has established that time & space are manifestations of the same thing, they are same entity & conclusively proved “space-time” together make the fourth dimension (other three dimensions are length, width & depth, i.e. length & breadth create an area, a surface & depth gives it the volume, the shape, without these three dimensions no shape or structure would have been possible, a thing whatever thinnest may be must have some thickness, even an atom or an positive ion or an electron, all have these three dimensions) & without this 4th dimension, existence of anything was impossible, that is without the 4th dimension none could tell where & when a thing was present, in other words everything we see in the universe would have been so compacted & so eventless that there was no universe, because without 4th dimension there would be no space-time & without space-time there would be no events & no objects, as for events & objects space-time is must, that is, events & objects can’t exist without existence of space-time, before Einstein none  could even contemplated this, that space-time, the 4th dimension is an integral part of our existence.


Einstein in his thesis to explain orbital path of an object (a celestial body) said a great thing (such a great thing, that we are yet to realize importance of it), that “GRAVITY DISTORTS THE SPACE”. He said, actually no celestial body (or any object) does bend in its path of motion, it goes straight, but as it travels through a distorted space, a crooked space its path gets crooked (bent) too. The heavier body is the more distorted the space is around it, also the nearer a body is to another body the more distorted space it will have to travel through.

Einstein left it here, he went no further with gravity, he could not explain what gravity is & still now no scientists has been able to do that, except imagining that for gravity there will be a particle, called “graviton”, which is still elusive & imaginary, so there has been no explanation of GRAVITY or progress in this field even after more than hundred years after Einstein’s discovery.

The Link

As I tried to understand & explain what gravity is, I took the cue from Einstein’s thesis & it came upon me if as per Einstein’s theory “gravity distorts space”, that means gravity affects the space, that also means space too has an effect on the gravity, that is space too interacts with gravity, it clearly means both (the space & the gravity) have a correlation & the great implication of it, is that, as space-time are same as it is a proven fact, so gravity also distorts time, as space & time are same entity, this means gravity, space & time are correlated. In other words there is surely a relation between space, time & gravity. And that is, the relation extends to “time”, as time too gets affected by gravity, same as the space gets affected.

My Conclusion

As time & space are same, has been proven by Einstein, that is they are different forms of same thing as they appear to us, so extending the same thesis as explained above, it can be derived (it may surely stun many) space, time & gravity are not different, only different forms of same thing. No theory or any words so far by anybody has been put forward, except this one by me (atleast not in my knowledge) relating the three.
I hereby, have tried for a theory to explain the problem of gravity, so far which remains elusive & beyond any explanations that space, time & gravity are same, that is manifestations of same thing & not virtual manifestations as they (many scientists say electromagnetic force, that attraction or repulsion between (-) & (+) charges/poles are done by virtual photons, which have not been detected, which I think, is imaginary, not only imaginary, but to fill a gap. But, if time, space & gravity are same thing, it changes all theory & puts GRAVITY in another context, fully different from any earlier concepts of gravity, even space-time. We begin to explain & take GRAVITY, not only take, but, gravity in the first place in any space time interpretation, which so far not done by any physicists.
Therefore I add a new a concept to “G’ in science, that is “G” does not exist, but a manifestation of space-time only in another objective (mind it I said objective) form i.e.  material form. That, otherwise space-time even being the 4th dimension, an essential part of existence remains only subjective, we don’t incorporate them in mathematical equations (except that in classical Newtonian laws of motion, where time is taken only as a measurement, not as a force), but as we convert (interpret) space-time into “G”, space-time also becomes objective.


(In this regard I say I have tried explain Gravity in a very, very little & queer way, although it provides a new theory for “gravity”’ but that will take time to explain, also I don’t know if I shall be able to do that, but some concepts have come to my mind, I am listing a few of them below).


These are very, very IMPORTANT for Considerations:-
= Space is negative, that is, it’s a negative field.
= All matters are sucking space around it, all the time. And this is the ORIGIN of gravity.
= There is no “graviton”.
= Gravity is quantumless, so far any thing discovered, be it quarks or neutrinos or light, has a quantum.
= Now most QUEER of all, that is, all bodies by gravity are losing mass (which we perceive wrongly that all bodies are radiating gravity), by sucking of space by the bodies. SO ALL BODIES ARE LOSING MASS.
= Not only all material bodies suck space, but also LIGHT & all electro magnetic radiations (emr), suck space & lose mass.
= How the light (or any thing) can lose mass? And if at all loses mass, what happens to the lost mass? This loss of mass is very slow indeed compared to the original mass of a photon (or any thing), but continuous, so, as light travels for billions of years through space, its wave length increases & that, a single photon all the time keeps losing the frequency (strength), so the mass too gets reduced in billions of years, And to the question what happens to the lost mass, I propose all bodies & also light give out  hitherto an unknown radiation (I also don’t know what is it), I have named it “xemr”, taking cue from “electro magnetic radiation”, but I believe it is the last & the end of all things, THE VERY END or the very beginning, I want to say, the universe is decaying in this way & will end up in this way, that is, all matter energy by transforming into xemr in billions or trillions of years, to the virtual NOTHINGNESS, which would not even last for a moment, explode into another big bang.
= All bodies & everything are decaying by losing mass & dispensing “xemr” & we see it’s manifestation as GRAVITY.
= Even LIGHT  too has mass & GRAVITY, otherwise light would not interact with gravity, as we have seen it does while passing by a very massive celestial object.
= As it is said that 3/4th of total mass of the universe is the dark matter, I postulate the DARK MATTER is the space itself as it is negative & interacts with bodies, because as per Einstein “Gravity distorts space”, so we can derive safely both space & the matter attract each other.
Also if above is true then as it is being claimed that the dark matter is holding the universe & the galaxies together & in place or the universe & the galaxies would break apart, this dark matter is nothing but the space, as I have explained previously the character of space, that, it is negative, it interacts with matter, ACTUALLY IT IS THE NATURE’S ANTIMATTER, created with the Big Bang.
Also it can explain, if 3/4th of the universe is the DARK MATTER, then we don’t have to search for it, many light years away into deep space, we have to have it here, around us & THAT IS SPACE.

Subhro Das
Conceptualized 25/04/10, Written 14/10/11

 (My theories & concepts
 I write my theories & concepts in short as I am a banker & have little time to write in a book like or research file like form, but I do feel these theories & concepts must be circulated for the good of the world & people, anyone is free to elaborate or write on them or point out if any flaw or deficiency in the same)
Subhro Das

Sunday, May 22, 2011




There is no space beyond light.

Speed of the light is the limit to the expansion of space & that is also the LIMIT (AREA) of our universe.

In other words our universe has expanded as far as the light has reached so far, not a bit beyond that, beyond that there is NO SPACE at all.

So we can calculate the area space from the time of big bang or the beginning of the universe till now and how far it will expand next moment/hour/year or how big or small it was last moment/hour/year.

Also we can measure accurately RATE of expansion, as also AREA of expansion at a given time, as the speed of light is known; it is 300000 km/sec approx, so the universe is expanding at rate of 300000 km/sec & if the universe began 13 billions years ago then we can fairly approximately(as we are absolutely not sure of the time of BB) measure how big is, it is approx 300000x60x60x24x365x13 billion km x 2 in diameter (as from the point of beginning light shot in all directions equally, we must presume so, if not otherwise proved that light could not traverse at the same rate at all directions).

One may point out a light from very far way object, which is at edge of the universe will have traveled much farther than a light ejected out of an object somewhere inside the universe. No, as the light is the speediest of all thing (I am yet to analyze gravity, what is it & what is its speed?), so first light rays that originated at big bang will have crossed any far away object, be it at the edge of the universe, that is quasars, pulsars, supernovas propelled & hurled out by the big bang residing at the edge & going farther away as proven by “theory of expanding universe” they can’t reach the edge of the universe, before the light rays or radiations that burst out at big bang, which will have easily surpassed any other objects or any light rays ejected out these objects later any moment of time after the big bang.

Subhro Das

Conceptualized 15/04/11

Written 10/05/11

Tuesday, May 3, 2011




A law maker is a gross law breaker (who ever it is man, animal, a group, a race, a species a king, a govt) because it creates the law, so that it can benefit out of it, so will be reluctant to apply the same on it (e.g. if a group makes a law for themselves, then law makers in the group will ensure or leave loopholes, clauses, that the law is not applied to them, in the religion & democracy it is said law is equal for all, but clergy & heads make sure they are more equals in the system, so that they can subjugate others in the group & while treating other groups the law is absolutely forgotten, so that maximum ruthless treatment can be given).

From above, 2nd rule automatically comes, that is laws are made to enslave others. Therefore whenever a law is made by a group of people or an individual or a nation, it is to benefit the maker & deprive others.



Laws of nature are inherent in nature itself, so that nature can be supreme over all that are residing in this nature (e.g. gravity rules over all, if one tries to defy it i.e. throw a ball up, must use nature’s another force in same quantity, whatever great one might be, but cant defy gravity without using nature’s resources & the resources are quantified, limited in availability (in total nature i.e. in the total universe), so others will lose (that exact amount of resource) for one’s benefit (cost).

But nature made this system for nature to sustain it’s existence & survival, otherwise all activities will collapse.

Therefore nature is such a supreme ruler which rules itself also & by the same yardstick.

Now come to the point, from where LAWS of NATURE come?

Laws of nature were there even before nature (universe) was there. Even if no nature (universe) took place, laws of nature would still be there, otherwise how it could be possible (even probable) our universe would have created her laws & constants (the seemingly unchanging constants we have, are created by the laws which existed before the nature) otherwise how laws & constants would have been there for us?

Laws & laws of constants were actually there, but their manifestations were not present, as soon as the nature (universe) came, the laws & constants started manifesting themselves, may not be all at once, but when applicable, some at very micro level (just at start), some after a fraction of moment of big bang. Then may be some of the laws stopped acting & some constants disappeared as their work was over & no more required, but never perished, remained physical entity less & hidden in nature & beyond physical nature, still existing & would come into force when required, may be at another big bang & some in wait, without manifesting at present, but for future appearance, when required.

That I mean to say many laws of nature (laws of physics, chemistry, biology, economics, and sociology) still not manifesting or working, but present & will appear when need be.

So NATURE’S LAWS are omnipresent & transcendental, beyond nature & universe, existent before & after this universe. They are real ETERNAL.

Every other thing is short lived. Life, acts, works, edifices, structure, memory all will die, some things have very short life, some thing have far longer life, even this universe will decay once, only difference is, the larger the act the longer the life. For example name of even Einstein will perish some time, but his theories were there & will be there, before the universe & after the universe.

This stands us to a philosophical dilemma, that if everything is physical & will die away (memory too is physical, but wisdom is not, as it appears to me, I will deal this in another thesis) then what should we do? My answer to this dilemma is “just do perfectly what is at hand, what is given to you by the nature”.

Now again back to the theory.

We may find out some of these “now absent laws & constants” if we move back far into time, also can envisage some of the future laws & constants that will appear far ahead in future if we can do right calculations & mathematics.

“It can rightly be said mathematics could be done & formulated even if there were no universe” this sounds beyond thought & imagination, but this is how nature is.

Subhro Das

Conceptualised 26/06/10

Posted 04/05/11

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Laws of nature were there even before NUTURE was there. Even if no nature (universe) took place, laws would still be there, otherwise how it could be possible(even probable) our universe would have created itself or would have been without the laws and constants………
So, it can be rightly said “Mathematics could be done and formulated (actually exists), even if there is no universe”.

Subhro Das

Saturday, February 26, 2011



Analysis on Beginning of the Universe, The Humble Beginning

At the beginning of the universe it has to be simple, a simple situation, a simple thing, it cant be complex, rather very simple, too simple, simplest of all situations or things (Ground Rule:- Nothing can be simpler than the beginning, beginning is always simple), thin air like, or space like void, or more like “Nothingness”, as nothingness is the simplest situation.
Then it has to be derived “Nothingness” is not possible in nature, as nothingness is not even space sans matter, not even eternity (of space), or a compressed space or matter at a point (even not at a point, even beyond “pointlessness”) or a pointless situation.
As soon as the universe reaches this simplest situation of “Nothingness” it blasts off for a new universe, the Big bang.

Now we have to prove mathematically or experimentally, why “Nothingness” is not possible (I could not do that), why “Big bang” happens at this situation or happened in the case of our existing Universe.
It also proves why multiverse is not possible as proposed by some physicists.

It also settles the questions if any about place of origin of the universe, that is where or at what point the universe originated.

Subhro Das


“Nothingness” is also a constant as nothing is possible below it & anything above it, i.e. is not “Nothingness”, so this is also a constant, the biggest constant, “The Super Constant”, the mother of all constants, all constants arise from it.

It also proves why any other constants’ values are not possible, as debated by some physicists that why values of constants can’t be different from what they are now (may be, values of constants change over time as physicists are trying to prove through experiments but value of a constant changes with all other constants’ values & that change is simultaneous & along the line, so if you happen to reach a place billions of years back in time or billions of light years far, your own set of values will change to that times’ & place or vice versa, that is if you start from there & come to the present, your constants’ values will keep changing & at last be that of present, so going back or forth or fetching from past is only relative, is unproductive, as you can’t bring one of the past values to the present or you cant take back one of the present values to the past as values will keep changing accordingly as per time & space.

Why is that “Super Constant”?
At “Nothingness” or in “Super Constant” only two extreme situations are possible, one no matter energy (more natural it would have been that there were no universe & us, only nothingness, but we are here & universe is also here, it was quite possible we, human beings, could not have evolved) and 2nd, limitless matter energy, endless mass.
That means “The Super Constant” could give birth to eternal, unlimited matter energy or continue with nothing (void) situations, but we have a “constant quantity” of matter energy in the universe, that the total mass (matter energy) of the universe is fixed, if not otherwise it has been proved that the quantity of mass energy of the universe is changing, increasing or decreasing by the days, or destruction or creation of mass energy are happening (not decay as decay gives forth to another form of energy, it does not vanish), so total mass of the universe is fixed), loss of mass by way of  GRAVITY (of matter & energy) is not being dealt with here.

It also advances the theory that no other possibility existed or exists for the nature, means The Super Constant (whatever form it may be, small or big, pointless or eternal) at the point of Nothingness, can give forth (generate) only THIS MUCH QUANTITY of matter energy (the total mass of the universe), no more, no less, as we have now.

And that also becomes a constant “THE MASS CONSTANT” or in other words the universe can have this much of mass (matter energy) from the blast at the Nothingness, from the original, quintessential “THE SUPER CONSTANT”.

The universe begins from a single Super Constant, from The Nothingness with a blast, which can’t exist even for a moment in nature, as soon as the universe reaches this simplest situation of “Nothingness”, the “Super Constant” is created, then & there it blasts off for a new universe, the Big bang.


Or as the Super Constant takes place at the end of universe, may be trillions of years will be taken to decay all matter energy & convert them into lowest form or due to some other unknown chain of events it may happen, I can’t postulate now, perhaps still now it is unknown by any other physicist, what happens at the end, but surely all researches & observations from the day Hubble Telescope sending down data that the universe is fast expanding & degenerating (that is, as galaxies & all far away celestial bodies are going farther away from each other), all scientists are unanimous that the universe is heading towards a doomsday, it may take unimaginably long time, but time too is measured by our standard, what we think very long, may be  is not that long by the universal standard, at last when whole matter energy decay to the lowest form, the blast (Big bang) occurs, a new universe takes birth & it (the event) gives away a “constant quantity” of matter energy. Also other CONSTANTS that we have now are created from the Super Constant at the very moment of blast, not after or before. And these constants start to shape the universe.

Subhro Das

My theories & concepts
 I write my theories & concepts in short as I am a banker & have little time to write in a book like or research file like form, but I do feel these theories & concepts must be circulated for the good of the world & people, anyone is free to elaborate or write on them or point out if any flaw or deficiency in the same
Subhro Das, India