Monday, October 21, 2013



As every act, action, event or product is in fact a reaction. Nothing originates of or from given situation itself without a previous act, action, event or product. That is, within & outside the system, manifestation of an act, action, event or product is a resultant, a reaction. That nothing is Sywambhu, self produced (in Sanskrit, meaning is, originated by itself, as Hindu mythology believes, creation of this universe is Sywambhu, self produced, but this contradicts physics).

It is easy to see & explain, why every act, action, event or product is a reaction, for example, if we take Newton’s 3rd law, when a billiard ball strikes another billiard ball, later moves in reaction, but 1st ball too moved due to some reaction to an action.

From above we can derive two postulations:-

We see acts, actions, events & products all around us, all through out the universe & it is scientifically true as per laws of physics, also mathematically has to be true, that all these acts, actions, events, or products are due to some other acts, actions, events or products & this line goes into the deepest past, to the origin of the universe as no act, action, event or product is possible without a (or more than one) previous act, action, event or product, that is, ALL ACTIONS ARE REACTIONS. Newton’s 3rd law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction (by Google search: NASA’s line is quoted), it may be said the other way: “every action is a reaction”.

One action can be possible only if there is an imbalance, as laws physics will be violated, if any act, action, event or product is happening without imbalance, take the example of billiard ball again, 2nd ball moved only due to an imbalance. So 2nd postulation is, there is inherent an imbalance in the nature & nature/universe is trying to cure it.

Yes, this universe must have caused itself to originate (big bang or anything: the beginning) without outside influence or interference, as nothing exists outside the universe, even space-time is a property within the universe, no space-time or matter-energy exist out of the universe or existed before the universe, SO THIS IMBALANCE IS INHERENT IN THE NATURE, if we take, that matter-energy was there at the time of big bang, in any form, then we have to take, matter-energy preexisted, but it is absurd, so it must be, space-time & matter-energy originated only at big bang due to this inherent imbalance. In other words, nature always carries an imbalance & tries to cure it, be it now or at the beginning & shall carry at the end too. Why is this imbalance, I could not solve, please someone answer, or atleast say all the above are wrong, I shall be happy & obliged.
Therefore the imbalance is inherent & a property which nature or the universe can’t do without or the universe would not have taken place, it is an inherent FLAW of the nature.

Subhro Das, Written 13/10/2013

Sunday, October 13, 2013



Now it is well known in physics that unless something is seen or felt or detected, it’s existence is not sure, that is, unless something is detected by any means, be it human, machine, any living being or any material, that if there is no reaction or act, it can’t be said, it is there.

Einstein did not believe in this, in this quantum mechanics, he said “if I don’t see the moon, will it not be there?” Absurd! But, true, if the moon is not detected, you can’t say the moon is there, for e.g. shut your eyes & try to feel the moonlight, yes you can, as though your eyelids a shallow light comes, shut your eyes, you can easily tell, if it is dark or light, now cover the moon slowly with a canopy & put some faint lights, as of neon lights in place, you will say the moon is there as getting the same feel.


1, WE CAN’T KNOW ALL,,,,,,,,,.
More than that (i.e. above), this detection is never complete & that is a great paradox, because the more you probe, the more is the detection i.e., the more you detect, & the more really come up & that is eternity, so our detection or so also for any other things detections, acts, reactions are never ending process, never complete & so KNOWLEDGE, DETECTION, & EFFECTS about & of anything are also never complete, as much as we can try. We can say, this is known upto this level.

Now go back to the detection process, actually Einstein himself discovered it, but could not realize to this level, he said everything is relative, distance, size, time, space all, but could not say, existence too is relative.
Actually nature is very wild, goes to extreme, far beyond our thought, we could not imagine, that even existence is relative, but it was very easy, if everything is relative, then why not existence?
Einstein could not believe, existence is relative, because it felt impossible for him that if we (ourselves & the earth) could not be detected (for that matter any other thing), we will cease to exist.

3, MASS TOO !,,,,,,,,,,,.
(And if existence is relative, then “mass” also has to be relative, I am petrified what are the repercussions of this, and also comes next matter-energy)

Subhro Das