Sunday, May 22, 2011




There is no space beyond light.

Speed of the light is the limit to the expansion of space & that is also the LIMIT (AREA) of our universe.

In other words our universe has expanded as far as the light has reached so far, not a bit beyond that, beyond that there is NO SPACE at all.

So we can calculate the area space from the time of big bang or the beginning of the universe till now and how far it will expand next moment/hour/year or how big or small it was last moment/hour/year.

Also we can measure accurately RATE of expansion, as also AREA of expansion at a given time, as the speed of light is known; it is 300000 km/sec approx, so the universe is expanding at rate of 300000 km/sec & if the universe began 13 billions years ago then we can fairly approximately(as we are absolutely not sure of the time of BB) measure how big is, it is approx 300000x60x60x24x365x13 billion km x 2 in diameter (as from the point of beginning light shot in all directions equally, we must presume so, if not otherwise proved that light could not traverse at the same rate at all directions).

One may point out a light from very far way object, which is at edge of the universe will have traveled much farther than a light ejected out of an object somewhere inside the universe. No, as the light is the speediest of all thing (I am yet to analyze gravity, what is it & what is its speed?), so first light rays that originated at big bang will have crossed any far away object, be it at the edge of the universe, that is quasars, pulsars, supernovas propelled & hurled out by the big bang residing at the edge & going farther away as proven by “theory of expanding universe” they can’t reach the edge of the universe, before the light rays or radiations that burst out at big bang, which will have easily surpassed any other objects or any light rays ejected out these objects later any moment of time after the big bang.

Subhro Das

Conceptualized 15/04/11

Written 10/05/11

Tuesday, May 3, 2011




A law maker is a gross law breaker (who ever it is man, animal, a group, a race, a species a king, a govt) because it creates the law, so that it can benefit out of it, so will be reluctant to apply the same on it (e.g. if a group makes a law for themselves, then law makers in the group will ensure or leave loopholes, clauses, that the law is not applied to them, in the religion & democracy it is said law is equal for all, but clergy & heads make sure they are more equals in the system, so that they can subjugate others in the group & while treating other groups the law is absolutely forgotten, so that maximum ruthless treatment can be given).

From above, 2nd rule automatically comes, that is laws are made to enslave others. Therefore whenever a law is made by a group of people or an individual or a nation, it is to benefit the maker & deprive others.



Laws of nature are inherent in nature itself, so that nature can be supreme over all that are residing in this nature (e.g. gravity rules over all, if one tries to defy it i.e. throw a ball up, must use nature’s another force in same quantity, whatever great one might be, but cant defy gravity without using nature’s resources & the resources are quantified, limited in availability (in total nature i.e. in the total universe), so others will lose (that exact amount of resource) for one’s benefit (cost).

But nature made this system for nature to sustain it’s existence & survival, otherwise all activities will collapse.

Therefore nature is such a supreme ruler which rules itself also & by the same yardstick.

Now come to the point, from where LAWS of NATURE come?

Laws of nature were there even before nature (universe) was there. Even if no nature (universe) took place, laws of nature would still be there, otherwise how it could be possible (even probable) our universe would have created her laws & constants (the seemingly unchanging constants we have, are created by the laws which existed before the nature) otherwise how laws & constants would have been there for us?

Laws & laws of constants were actually there, but their manifestations were not present, as soon as the nature (universe) came, the laws & constants started manifesting themselves, may not be all at once, but when applicable, some at very micro level (just at start), some after a fraction of moment of big bang. Then may be some of the laws stopped acting & some constants disappeared as their work was over & no more required, but never perished, remained physical entity less & hidden in nature & beyond physical nature, still existing & would come into force when required, may be at another big bang & some in wait, without manifesting at present, but for future appearance, when required.

That I mean to say many laws of nature (laws of physics, chemistry, biology, economics, and sociology) still not manifesting or working, but present & will appear when need be.

So NATURE’S LAWS are omnipresent & transcendental, beyond nature & universe, existent before & after this universe. They are real ETERNAL.

Every other thing is short lived. Life, acts, works, edifices, structure, memory all will die, some things have very short life, some thing have far longer life, even this universe will decay once, only difference is, the larger the act the longer the life. For example name of even Einstein will perish some time, but his theories were there & will be there, before the universe & after the universe.

This stands us to a philosophical dilemma, that if everything is physical & will die away (memory too is physical, but wisdom is not, as it appears to me, I will deal this in another thesis) then what should we do? My answer to this dilemma is “just do perfectly what is at hand, what is given to you by the nature”.

Now again back to the theory.

We may find out some of these “now absent laws & constants” if we move back far into time, also can envisage some of the future laws & constants that will appear far ahead in future if we can do right calculations & mathematics.

“It can rightly be said mathematics could be done & formulated even if there were no universe” this sounds beyond thought & imagination, but this is how nature is.

Subhro Das

Conceptualised 26/06/10

Posted 04/05/11